
Chemical properties of drilling fluids change during the drilling process. Formation fluids, solids or gases can invade the wellbore and alter the chemical balance of the system.
Monitoring change allows proper corrective action. Other measurements of chemical properties are necessary during the completion and production phases to prevent corrosion or degradation of a well's producing ability.

Chemical Analysis

AutoCalcimeter Model 442

AutoCalcimeter Model 442

Determines the amount of calcium carbonate and calcium magnesium carbonate in alkaline earth carbonate samples.

Calcimeter - Pressure Gauge Model 432

Calcimeter - Pressure Gauge Model 432

The calcimeter measures the calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate (dolomite) in a sample

Chloride Content Kit

Chloride Content Kit

Contains all equipment and reagents required to test fluids for chloride content according to API Recommended Practice 13B-1

Chloride, Alkalinity and Water Hardness Test Kit

Chloride, Alkalinity and Water Hardness Test Kit

Filtrate Analysis Kit contains all equipment and reagents required to test for chloride content, alkalinity, calcium content, and hardness by the Versenate

Filtrate Analysis Kit

Filtrate Analysis Kit

Contains equipment, reagents required to test drilling fluids for chloride content, alkalinity, sulfate content, and hardness by the Versenate Method.

Garrett Gas Train Test

Garrett Gas Train Test

Measures the concentration of soluble sulfides and soluble carbonates.

Hydrogen Sulfide Detection Kit (Copper Method)

Hydrogen Sulfide Detection Kit (Copper Method)

It is a colorimetric method that uses the same Hydrogen Sulfide Test paper discs as the Garrett Gas Train and can detect as little as 0.3 ppm H2S.

Kjeldahl Titration Apparatus

Kjeldahl Titration Apparatus

A safer, faster, more cost efficient method for analyzing polyacrylamides.

Membrane Filter Tester Model 410

Membrane Filter Tester Model 410

Relative filtration rates, quantity and composition of suspended solids can be established.


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